Stephany is wearing 100% Organic 2ply Cashmere Boat Neck Sweater in Red
Dear Denners,
I read a very amusing article recently about dating sites. The article itself was based on a survey of what was the biggest "turn off'' for women on perusing dating sites.
Now, dating sites are something you either keep quiet about or you are quite happy to share your experiences with others.
Maybe you feel a little embarrassed to tell people that you are looking for a partner on a dating site.

Stephany is wearing 100% Organic 2ply Cashmere Ribbed Cowl-Neck Jumper in Navy
Well, I think they are here to stay and have become socially acceptable and a good way to expedite the process of meeting someone if you lead a busy lifestyle and enjoy the thrill of meeting someone from outside your normal circle of acquaintances.

Stephany is wearing 100% Organic 2ply Cashmere Boat Neck Sweater in Red
The biggest "turn off's" in no particular order were:
• A badly cropped photograph making it almost impossible to tell if your male admirer is wearing a wig
• A horrid photo of your potential suitor slurping some evil looking cocktail with a sunset in the background
• A very cheesy greetings message such "Hi there, how is your day "
• Suggesting dinner in the first opening exchange but you will have to wait because he is going to New York in two days (yawn !!)
• Some terrible pun along the lines of "do you like raisins or would you prefer a date......"
• A photo in which his mouth is firmly closed so you can’t see his false teeth.

Juan is wearing 100% Organic 2ply Cashmere Half-Zip Jumper in Navy
And so, the list goes on.
Now, just in case you do meet a potential Mr Right and he ticks all your boxes and you agree to meet at the Courtauld Institute for that very important first date.
I have tasked the ever dependable Lina with putting together some reliable "first date" Denner cashmere kit (to go with your diamond slippers !!) to give a refined sexy look that is not over the top and designed to ooze sophistication and Chutzpah and impress the lucky chap and bag a second date.

Stephany is wearing 100% Organic 2ply Cashmere Cowl-Neck Jumper in Navy
As an aside in a former life I did start a dating site for marionettes (puppets) sadly it was not a success as everybody wanted "no strings attached"
Boom Boom!!!
Good Luck!!!